Thursday, November 28, 2019

Assumptions in Quantitative Research Essays

Assumptions in Quantitative Research Essays Assumptions in Quantitative Research Paper Assumptions in Quantitative Research Paper Post-positivism allows researchers to examine realities through a variety of measurement tools; thus accessing realities which could elude measurement by direct observation (Giddings Grant, 2007; Schumacher Greener, 1992). Regardless of whether the researcher adopts a positivist or post-positivist philosophy, the description of the paradigms begin with assumptions about the researchers role and relationship to the setting, and by identifying the epistemological and validity assumptions underlying the choice of the role and relationship. The conviction that there is a reality existing outside of the researcher, hat this reality can be observed (ontology), and that knowledge of this reality can be measured objectively (epistemology) are foundational assumptions in quantitative research (Hathaway, 1995). Thus the objects of interest are measured by instruments (e. G. , telescope), the data is examined and analyzed to determine if logical patterns are present, and rational theories are constructed to explain and predict a variety of facts (Hathaway, 1995). Ontologically the researcher assumes that the external reality is comprised of facts that are law-like and provide structure or a theoretical framework to this reality. Physics provides an example of this approach. Methodological and Ontological  Assumptions Empirical-analytical inquiry is characterized by the researchers detached or objective view from the setting under study. This objectivity or detachment is, in part, due to the assumption that the object under study is separate from or independent of the researcher (Eisner, 1981; Smith, AAA; Smith, Bibb). In the empirical analytical view, researchers adhere to the mind-reality duality and the mind is seen as separate from reality (Hathaway, 1995). Another way of considering objectivity is that of being hurry neutral (Schumacher Greener, 1992). This is an extreme view and within the contemporary empirical analytical view, researchers would claim that most inquiry is theory laden (Smith, Bibb). However, with objectivity as the goal, the researcher strives to prevent biases throughout the research process and attempts to control the research design for validity, credibility, and reliability (Burns Grove, 1997). While it is impossible to achieve complete objectivity, cultivating an awareness of potential threats and taking measures to decrease threats whenever possible serves to strengthen the research project. It is important to underscore the intertwined nature of the assumption about objectivity and the assumption that a reality exists outside of the observer. The observer, or researcher, assumes that reality exists outside of the human experience (Carroty, 1998; Polite-OHara et al. , 1991). In other words, there are facts with an objective reality separate from the beliefs of the researcher therefore reality exists regardless of the researchers presence (Firestone, 1987). In a contemporary perspective, reality holds a mediated position between the objective and subjective worlds. Reality affects human beings and unman beings effect reality (Schumacher Greener, 1992). Thus unobservable realities exist and can be represented in theoretical concepts. This line of thinking extends teen assumption AT realty Deanna Tanat wanly can De crossover only Dye slung the senses. An example of an unobservable reality would be a belief that depression is a reality. Depression is not an object that we can observe. Rather we can observe phenomena such as actions, behaviors, and consequences that may be associated with depression. Given this phenomenon, theoretical Judgments are made about what constitutes a theoretical reality of depression. The theoretical construct enables the researcher to design a research project on the subject of depression. Linked to the assumption about reality is the assumption that reality consists of facts or truths that can be known (Hathaway, 1995) and these facts provide the researcher with a theoretical framework to help guide the inquiry (Firestone, 1987). The researcher aims to precisely and define categories based on these facts before the study begins and then determines the relationships between them (Firestone, 1987; Smith, Bibb). Hypotheses establishing a relationship between cause and effect are rived from these categories and only the data that is relevant to them are collected and tested. An extreme critique may be that reality is being actively structured by the researchers prosecuted categories and that this methodology is unduly controlled regarding what is relevant to the study. The assumption underlying this point is the deterministic or linear nature of hypothesis testing. Control is inherent in this method of inquiry which is another underlying assumption of quantitative research. Researchers using a more moderate approach within the post positivist paradigm recognize that research is a human endeavor. They derive their a priori categories from personal beliefs or experience, from theoretical formulation, or from their own or others interpretive research (Hathaway, 1995). Because reality is considered to be relatively stable and researchers are able to observe it, a further assumption is that of objective measurement (Polite-OHara et al. , 1991). The purpose of objective measurement is to gain an understanding about the reality of a phenomenon in an objective manner (Giddings Grant, 2007). Thus, in the act of documenting and measuring, the researcher, in the role of a detached onlooker, reserves objectivity (Hathaway, 1995). In other words, it is essential that the measurement tool(s) and process are objective to gain closer proximity to true knowledge of the phenomenon. Measurement is an important assumption in quantitative research and measurement tools, if properly designed and applied, can lead the researcher to greater understanding about the phenomenon. Measurement is the process of assigning numbers to the phenomenon using some type of rule (Burns Grove, 1997). Before assigning numbers there is an assumption that the measurement tool(s) will be accurate in measuring the phenomenon. For example, if a researcher wants to measure pain, a measurement tool such as a pain scale could be used. Alternatively, the researcher could choose to measure opinions about various pain treatments. In order to measure the opinions, the researcher would assign numbers to the most likely responses observed. In constructing the pain treatment opinion tool(s), it is essential that the measurement tool(s) have an appropriate correspondence to the reality of pain treatment opinions (Polite-OHara et al. , 1991). Thus to accurately measure a phenomenon, the measurement tool(s) must be based on a reality and be as objective as possible. The assumptions of reality, objectivity and measurement are interrelated and integral to the ontology and methodology AT quant I t tattle research. I nose assumptions are essential components in the design of quantitative research projects. An example is if the researcher seeks to understand philosophies of childhood, their assumptions about reality, objectivity, and measurement related to this philosophy are embedded in the designing the research project. There is an assumption that a reality about philosophies of childhood exist. Additionally, there are assumptions that philosophies of childhood can be measured and done so objectively. The researcher would consider how to objectively measure philosophies of childhood when developing the research design. If there were no existing tool(s) to measure the reality of philosophies of childhood, it would be necessary to develop a measurement tool(s) which could accurately measure the phenomenon. In developing the tool, the researcher would make objective theoretical Judgments about what variables (e. G. , psychological, biological, etc. ) would signify this phenomenon. In sum, assumptions that the reality (philosophies of childhood) exists, that such realities are measurable, and that the assortment and process of inquiry are as objective as possible are hallmarks in the quantitative approach to research. Epistemological Assumptions Knowledge within the empirical analytical paradigm has utility if it is generalized. The aim of inquiry is to generalize from the particular and apply a theoretical framework that can be applied universally (Hathaway, 1995). Therefore the aim of generalization is served by the development of universal knowledge. A broad example is research on the efficacy of pain medications. Control and experimental groups are observed to determine the effects of a specific drug. If there is justification to believe it alleviates pain the medication is made available for treating the population at large through a regulated process. Knowledge is also defined by what researchers call data and the selection of meaning. The researcher conducting empirical analytical inquiry makes decisions that will reveal what is generally applicable to all similar situations (Firestone, 1987; Smith, AAA; Smith, Bibb). Taking a critical stance, Habeas (1971) claimed that such inquiry implies a dissociation of knowledge from human interest (Habeas, 2005) and questions the it with individual contexts, values, and preferences. Caution must be taken when considering that the context of discovery may be quite different than the context of practice. Separating the universal from the particular is accomplished through several processes (e. G. , instrumentation and precision) and methodological assumptions (e. G. , measurement techniques) (Hathaway, 1995). The researcher, independent of specific situations under study, determines a set of hypothesized categories based on a priori knowledge and conducts a controlled inquiry to give meaning to phenomena that have significance at a generalized level. Data are considered factual or context-free when they have the same meaning across situations and settings (Hathaway, 1995). Conclusion The decisions researchers make concerning research methods have a direct impact on how they make meaning of their world. By adopting quantitative research, reality is structured and understood in a particular way. In some ways, the choice of quantitative approaches creates the reality we are attempting to discover. By making a choice to conduct quantitative inquiry, we choose our paradigm or assumptions auto teen world (Leaner, BIBB; Hathaway, 1 Assumptions Tanat a realty exalts operate from the researcher, that such realities are measurable, and that the measurement and process of inquiry are as objective as possible are hallmarks of quantitative research. References Lender, J. S. (1986). Educational research: A personal and social process.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Understanding the Argument Against Eating Veal

Understanding the Argument Against Eating Veal Veal is the meat from young calves (as opposed to beef, which is the meat from adult cows). Along with foie gras and shark fins, veal has a bad reputation because of the extreme confinement and cruelty involved in the way veal calves are raised on factory farms. From an animal rights perspective, eating calves violates the calves right to freedom and life, regardless of how well they are treated when they are being raised. As far as animal activists are concerned, theres no right way to eat veal. Mistreatment and Early Slaughter Veal is meat that comes from the flesh of a slaughtered calf (young cow). It is known for being pale and tender, which is a result of the animal being confined and anemic. Typically, instead of living on his mothers milk, the calf is fed a synthetic formula that is intentionally low in iron to keep the animal anemic and keep the flesh pale. The calves used in veal production are a by-product of the dairy industry. Adult female cows used in dairy production are kept pregnant in order to keep up their milk supply. The males who are born are useless because they do not make milk and they are the wrong breed of cow to be useful in beef production. About half of the female calves will be raised to become dairy cows like their mothers, but the other half are turned into veal. Calves destined to become veal spend most of their eight-to-sixteen-week lives confined to small wooden or metal cages known as  veal crates. This prison is barely larger than the calfs body  and too small for the animal to turn around. Calves are also sometimes tethered so that they dont move around too much, which keeps the flesh tender. Fortunately, veal crates have been banned in some states including California, Arizona, and Maine. Bob and Slink Veal Bob veal and slink veal come from newborn calves which were just a few days or weeks old at slaughter. Slink and slink veal comes from unborn, premature, or stillborn calves. Unborn calves are sometimes found when an adult cow is slaughtered and happens to be pregnant at the time of slaughter. Meat from unborn calves is now illegal for human consumption in the U.S., Canada, and some other countries, but their hides are used for boots and upholstery and their blood is used for science. As crates are being phased out, bob veal is gaining in popularity. Without the confinement of a crate, the calves move around and their muscles toughen. Because the calves slaughtered for bob veal are so young, their muscles have not yet developed and are very tender, which is considered desirable. Is humane veal a real commodity? Some farmers now offer humane veal, meaning meat from calves that are raised without veal crates. While this addresses some peoples concerns about veal, animal advocates tend to believe that humane veal is an oxymoron. From an animal rights perspective, it doesnt matter how much room the calves have before they are slaughtered- theyre still slaughtered! The animal rights goal is not to give the calves more room or to feed them a more natural diet, but for people to stop eating these meats altogether and switch to a  vegan lifestyle.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Comparison between Environmental Impact Assessment and Strategic Essay

Comparison between Environmental Impact Assessment and Strategic Environmental Assessment and A Brief Proposal for Strategic - Essay Example The environment is a vital force to reckon with when thinking about developing tourism business concerning the Forest. Hence, it is important to utilize the best environmental assessment system. This paper offers a critical comparison between the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) with the view of identifying the one that is better appropriate for measuring the environmental conditions in Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest. Comparison of EIA and SEA There are some differences between Economic Impact Assessment, EIA and SEA. 1. F. Dow and S. Dow, U.S. National Forest Campground Guide, Pacific North Region—Washington, Moon Canyon Publishing, Seiad Valley CA, 2005, p. 99. 2 While EIA aims to minimize impacts, SEA aims to prevent impacts right from the onset. EIA offers limited review of cumulative effects, SEA considers cumulative effects assessment as a primary task. It is a known fact that EIA focuses on standard agenda and trea ts systems of environmental deterioration while SEA focuses on sustainability agenda and handles sources of environmental deterioration. Similarly, EIA emphasizes on mitigating and minimizing impacts while SEA emphasizes on meeting environmental objectives and maintains natural systems. 2 Background of the SEA Commissioned to the Proposal of Tourism Development SEA is usually applicable to the proposal of tourism development through the action of US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). And this is done by adopting the methodologies of SEA through land-use planning, energy, waste management and transport. This multi-layered procedure requires that experts should be incorporated at every level or stage coupled with strong political will, constant funding and needful public participation in the process.3 The application of SEA supports the design of plans to regulate both the natural and infrastructural aspects of the management of Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest. 4 2. United Na tions University, Strategic Environmental Assessment. August 2011. Viewed on 14 August 2011, 3. B. Bramwell, Coastal mass tourism: diversification and sustainable development in Southern Europe, Channel View Publication, 2004, pp.147-8. 3 GIS for support generation towards Strategic Environmental Assessment It has been discovered that Geographic Information System (GIS) can be used a supporting tool towards Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). Since SEA is concerned about land-use planning, spatial data and GIS can be used in SEA. This involves utilizing GIS applications and techniques that include but are not limited to digital mapping, spatial analysis (overlays and weighted overlays), modeling and participative GIS.5 The good news is that GIS can be applied to each stage of SEA, which is comprised of screening, scoping, baseline environment, strategic environmental objectives, development of alternatives, monitoring and public participat ion.6 This indicates that using GIS techniques will help to streamline the process of carrying out SEA. Although it is important that GIS methodology must be followed step by step before success could be recorded in this respect. There are limitations to the use of GIS towards SEA; for examples, some data are too complicated for SEA experts to analyze and apply, and they should be minimally utilized. 4. C. Jones, Strategic Enviro

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Website evaluation example Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Website evaluation example - Essay Example What is the site's purpose? Is it to provide educational resources, foster communication among scientists, raise money, increase political clout, or generate support for a special interest group If the site is sponsored by a special interest groupThe site is designed to raise awareness amongst individuals of the society about volunteerism. It gives them a guide how they can help the individuals who are in need and have suffered because of the calamities. The help generated through this can be in terms of money or manpower. It may ask the individuals living in this society to come forward and lend a hand in reviving from a disaster. Individuals of all sorts are asked for help through this site and it tells even how the disabled can come and volunteer.This site can play a huge role in reviving volunteerism amongst the individuals of the society and can make them aware of the situation of the people suffering. It aims at telling the people of how they can support by donating money or ma npower to the ones who have suffered. Volunteerism is a very important step in reviving a particular area from a disastrous state and this site is aimed at reviving the area from the disastrous state. Volunteerism is increased through many ways by this site.The site is likely to be used by common civilians living in the society. Through this site are aimed people who can matter in the society. Each and every individual of the society is targeted through the site as it tells all the individuals as to how they can volunteer for a particular cause. Even the disabled civilians of the society are targeted through this site and as to how they can matter in volunteering. WHEN was the site copyrighted and when was it last updated At the bottom of most web sites, you can find the copyright date and often a note of when it was last updated. This will give a sense of how well the site is maintained, how current the information is and how reliable the links will be. The site is copyrighted in the year 2008 and was last updated on 22nd October 2008. Evaluation of the Resource: Here you should be prepared to state your opinion of the site. This is a site maintained by the government legislature and it has the capability of attracting individuals towards volunteerism. It not only can attract them but also can help get the needy grants through its maintenance. Information is given on the site regarding different grants being given to the people. Thus it can be concluded that the site is very useful in serving the society. Step 2 Where: It is an official website of the specialized organization maintained by the UN. What: The site is aimed to aware people of different health issues affecting the whole world. The organizations site tells about different programs having been launched in different countries all over the world. It gives out different graphs and statistics which tells as to which disease has been eradicated or which disease has been on the rising. Where: This is an official website of the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. What: This comprehensive website provides links to useful information and training programs aimed at the general public, firefighters and Emergency Management Personnel. How: The website is supported by the United Nations and can be a great useful tool in avoiding diseases prevailing in this world. It is funded by the UN and supports different programs

Monday, November 18, 2019

Suggestion on New Information System to be used in Company like ERP Assignment

Suggestion on New Information System to be used in Company like ERP - Assignment Example An effective information system that integrates company operations across various departments and units can play a pivotal role in improving operational efficiency the effects of which are reflected in quality and customer loyalty (Sheldon). Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a business model that integrates all aspects of an organization facilitating a link between various departments, customers and suppliers. â€Å"ERP is a business model that involves all levels of the organization that allow organizations to link customers and top management decisions all the way through to execution in the supply-chain and the factory floor† (Sheldon 2). Hence ERP is a single software application that helps the management to keep tabs on all the processes and departments functioning within the organization. Core system architecture and benefits Bear Beverages can adopt a highly integrated ERP system that will enable the organization to integrate its processes, streamline the flow of in formation and resources for cost effective operations. The primary benefit of this application tool will be managing, controlling and monitoring supply chains, logistics, finances, customer service, production and marketing operations. The tool will enable managers across different units and departments to collaborate with other departments and access the updated information at the click of their mouse. ... Such an application can be highly effective in communicating information and sharing of data in a timely manner assisting the managers in getting a clear picture of the work status and taking decisions. The core information systems for this application tool will be based on existing operational requirements that take into account different dimensions of marketing, finance, production, and logistics departments. These can be identified as sales, customer relationship management, invoicing, raw material requisition, goods despatch and product research. The following diagram illustrates the ways in which the proposed ERP system can streamline operations in the company – Source: Grey Stone Business Solutions Inc (2009) Thus, the different components of the ERP system will be manufacturing resource planning (MRP), finance resource management (FRM), supply chain management (SCM), human resource management (HRM) and customer relationship management (CRM). The ERP system is a favored solution for all kinds of business models since it provides the management and owners with the flexibility of accessing relevant information and data from a single database. Supply chain information networking Supply and logistics form the key components that impact operational processes and manufacturing concerns. The ERP application tool will enable the inventory and logistics department to streamline material supply and demand variables automatically through the system. The manufacturing resource planning and supply chain management modules of the ERP system will enable the managers to find out materials requisitioned and view production requirements. Based on the updated information the suppliers will be contacted through the system for scheduled delivery. The

Friday, November 15, 2019

Health and Safety Legislation in Malaysia Construction

Health and Safety Legislation in Malaysia Construction Malaysia construction industry is the higher fatalities compared with among all the industry in Malaysia table 1 Occupational accident by sector for the category of death from 2009 April to 2011 April shown at below. (Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH), 2009-2011). Implementing safety and health requirement should be part of Contractors responsible. (Dongping.F, et al., 2006, p: 434) Contractors comply with Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 and Factories and Machinery Act 1967 to implementing safety and health requirement for the construction site to make the act effectively minimize the accident rate and fatalities. (Omran, et al., 2008) A study into the effectiveness Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 and Factories and Machinery Act 1967 in reducing fatalities and injury rates in Malaysia construction site. Objectives To study of Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 and Factories and Machinery Act 1967 the effectiveness by contractors to implement at construction site. To identify the barrier facing by contractor of implementing Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 and Factories and Machinery Act 1967 on construction site. To identify the implement of Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 and Factories and Machinery Act 1967 on actual construction site. Background The OSHA Malaysia is effective on 24 February 1994(Act 514). An act is to ensure safety, health and welfare of persons who are at work and to protect other person against safety risk or health in connection with the activities of persons at work. (Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (OSHA), s.1) OSHA 1994 actually is quoted Occupational Safety and Health Act. The objects of OSHA 1994 have written and are under section 4. An object of OSHA1994 is to secure the safety, health and welfare of persons who are at work and to protect persons at a place of work other than persons at work against hazards. Not only for that had the act also had to promote an occupational environment for persons at work which is fit to worker physiological and psychological needs. The last object of the act is to provide way or method according related to the occupational safety and health legislations can be gradually replaced by an institution of regulations and permitted the industry codes of practice operating in combination with the provisions of the statute, designed to maintain or improve the safety and health standards. (OSHA, s.4 (a-d)) FMA 1967 (Act 139) is to provide for the control of factories with respect to matters relating to safety , health and welfare of person therein, the registration and inspection of machinery and for matters connected therewith. Those machinery which is high risk for operate such as mobile cranes, tower cranes and etc must be certified and inspected by DOSH. (Factories and Machinery Act 1967 (FMA), s.1) According to DOSH government website mentioned that, all factories and general machinery must be registered with DOSH before they can be installed and operated. Factories or any companies require to use machinery their must require to obtain a permission to install machinery by submitting relevant documents to their nearest DOSH offices. The permission to install machinery is for each time certificated machinery or new auxiliaries installed. Methodologies Data collections methodologies categorized as two main ways there are secondary source and primary sources. Secondary source is get information from documents such as personal records, service record, books, journals, newspaper and etc. Primary source are few methods such as questionnaire, interview, case study and etc. (Kumar, 2005, p: 118) For this research title is relative with safety and health requirement therefore the secondary data source will obtain a lot of information which is collected from book, relevant title of articles and relevant record publish from the departments of occupational safety and health. The objective one and two of this research paper which is to study of Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 and Factories and Machinery Act 1967 the effectiveness by contractors to implement at construction site and to identify the barrier facing by contractor of implementing those two acts at construction site. The first objective can be achieved by reading those two acts to understand which should implement by the contractors. The second objective can be achieved by reading more books to find out the effectiveness and barrier that contractors may be facing when they implement the two acts at construction site. In addition, questionnaire is appropriate primary data source to get information for this research paper. Because of the research is time-limited and questionnaire is the easiest and quick methodology. Open question is the respondent could be answer in their own words. This open question can be generated mainly qualitative data. The advantages for open question are providing depth and valuable information provided by respondent able to expressing their own opinions. Respondents have the opportunity to express themselves freely, resulting in a wider variety of information. (Kumar, 2005, p: 132) According to Kumar (2005) stated that questionnaires restricted two basic types of question there are closed-ended which called as closed question and open-ended or called as open question. Closed question is researcher set out the answer such as yes or no and let the respondent to answers. Although there is a disadvantages of closed question which is not enough of depth and variety of the information obtained, sometime the answer provided are not truly reflect respondent their own view or opinion. Through the closed question for questionnaire is to ensure that literature view the view and ideas that is appropriate for respond from the respondents. For this research paper will be total 100 sets of questionnaires given to respondents regarding objective two and three will be set for the question. The respondents could be contractors, site staff, site agent, project manager and other parties which experience and knowledge for safety and health at construction site. Guides to Research Report In this research paper will be content total five chapters. Chapter 1 is the introduction and problem statement of the research title. Then is the aim and objective of the research paper. The aim is achieved by through implemented the objective that have be set out. Chapter 2 is the literature review is through reading more articles and books or other resources which are concern to the research title and obtain the similar idea for those sources and write out the literature review base on the objective stated. Chapter 3 is research methodology for this research paper will carry out the questionnaire. The target of the respondents will be contractor and persons who are related to construction site. Those questionnaires will be set out 100 sets and data will be collected base on this stage which mean in this chapter. Chapters 4 are analysis the data and carry out the result of the analysis in chapter. After the result had been analysis the issues can be identified from the findings. Those data will be presented by using bar chart and etc. Chapter 5 will be the last part of the research paper. This chapter will be conclusions and recommendations after those progresses had been gone through. This chapter also is to ensure that the research aim has achieved through implementing those three objective and the recommendations will be suggested in this chapter. CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEWS Introduction Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994(OSHA) and Factories and Machinery Act 1967(FMA) is a legislative framework in Malaysia construction industry to give promote to the construction industry, advance and assist to have better or high standards of safe and healthy working culture. The legislations are enforcement by Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH). The DOSH are under Ministry of Human Resources Malaysia. The department is agency of government to enforce those legislations to promote and enhancing Malaysia construction site quality of working life. (Mudrikah, 2010) In this research paper, the method to reducing the accident rate in construction industry is Contractors have to implementing with the strict safety and health regulatory frameworks for preventing, monitoring and reporting adverse events for the construction site. Contractors should comply with those effective safeties and health requirement to effectively minimize the accident happen on construction worksite. (Dorji et al, 2009) Problems and barrier to implement of OSHA 1994 Table 1 showing that construction industry is among the highest accident rate and fatalities industry in Malaysia occupational rankings. The highest accident rate and fatalities happen in construction site one of the reason may because the act is not effective and there have a little bit of legal loophole. Before amend the OSHA 1994 section 29 safety and health officer there is no penalty. But after amended become the OSH (Safety and Health Officer) Regulations 1997 and OSH (Safety and Health Officer) Orders 1997 have a penalty if the contractors do not comply to employ competent person as safety and health officer and other duties in ensuring such personnel could perform his duties effectively and define class of industry to appoint competent safety and health officer both are penalty same condition which is maximum RM5000.00 or maximum six months imprisonment or both. Section 29 has been amended by the Minister to OSH (Safety and Health Officer) Regulation 1997 after amended stated that any building operation and any work of engineering construction when the total contract price of the construction project which is exceeding twenty million of ringgit Malaysia the contractors should employ a safety and health officer or other duties in ensuring such personnel could perform his duties effectively at the construction site. (Safety and Health Officer) Order1997. (Occupational Safety and Health Regulation 1997, s.29) Some of the construction project the total contract sum may not exceeding twenty million according to OSH (Safety and Health Officer) Regulation 1997 mentioned that, means contractors is not necessary to comply and appoint the safety and health officer on their workplace. If unfortunate accident happened cause site workers injury or death at construction site is that whether should be the negligence of the contractor because his has full comply with the OSHA or the legal is indeed imperfect because only the project exceeding twenty million of ringgit Malaysia contractor should to appoint a safety and health officer on the construction site. According to OSHA (Safety and Health Officer) Regulation 1997 regulation 18 duties of safety and health officer his had a important duties at the construction site one of it is to advise contractors measure of the site workers their interests of the safety and health and their responsibilities also included to inspect the workplace determine whether any machinery or equipments or process of work may have the chances liable site worker injuries or harmful their body. If accident is happen safety and health officer have to submit report informs on the number and types of accidents which had occurred in the workplace to the Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) according to OSHA (Safety and Health Officer) Regulation 1997 regulation 19 stated. Since section 29 of OSHA had been amended mentioned that only total contract sum exceeding twenty million construction projects is required to appoint a safety and health officer. Moreover, the workplace is happen any accident, dangerous occurrence, occupational poisoning or occupational disease which has occurred or may have chance occur on the workplace according OSHA section 32 to inform the nearest DOSH office. If accident had occurred which is construction project not exceeding twenty million total contract sum who are going to take safety and health officer his duties to report the accident happen on workplace to DOSH is that means small project is not an accident happen. The purpose of reporting of accident incidences to DOSH is to ascertain the root causes and enable to take remedial actions for prevention future occurrences similar condition. The report incidence is important database for DOSH the database is to analyze strategic planning, management and law enforcement for improving and prevention for accident can be minimize in future. The data recorded by the safety and health officer is required in order to analyze the results of unification and to ensure statistical validity. (DOSH, 2004, p: 4) Safety and health organization shall be implementing by the contractors those person are profession and get training for safety and health programme. Those safety and health officer with qualified their role are provide appropriate advice to the site workers their responsibility for the safety in the site and to promote and encourage the planning and implementation of the necessary and effective measures in minimizing the risk and to reduce the accidents rate. (Construction Confederation, 2008) The problem may be arise if contractors they do not appoint safe and health officer or site safety supervisor there is no professional person at worksite to train for new site workers or instrumental promote a safe and healthy working environment on workplace. Furthermore, most of the site workers are foreigners like Indonesia, Pakistan, Myanmar, Bangladesh or etc. Those foreigner workers they may be lack of knowledge to protect themselves. They might never been exposure with the construction not to mention that they have experience to cope with the huge construction projects. Therefore, the bad attitude and behavior is belonging to the construction it will then rapid increasing the accidents rates. (Wee Lee, 2010, p: 22) According to Wee Lee (2010) his article mentioned that, there may have another legal loophole in Malaysia. Malaysia safety and health officer they do not have autonomy power therefore they cannot strictly implement the regulation in the construction site. Moreover, the safety and health officer is employed by the contractor. The contractors may tend to hiding the accident occurrence on site and do not comply with reporting accident happen on their site or even threatened their safety management staff do not report to DOSH that is because the accident of worker may make lost productive time. DOSH officer may come over the construction site which had happened the accident to do inspection for the accident areas. The construction site accident rate has been increasing simply because of these unhealthy practices in Malaysia. (Wee Lee, 2010, p: 15) Although appoint a safety and health officer of construction site have effective reduce the risk of accident rate. But according to Rabani (2010) mentioned that many contractors they are not aware the important role for appoint a safety and health officer at construction site. Therefore, many contractors they neglect to appoint a safety and health officer to the construction site. (Rabani, 2010, p: 3) According to Kit Keng (2004) mentioned that, when the accident happen at site it may cause contractors suffer losses in term of the productivity and affected their profit. Accident happen may lower down the productivity this may simply because of the site workers may because their co-worker happen accident cause injury or death which may affect their physical and psychological fear they were worry to become the next victims. Therefore, may occur a shortage of workers on site because they may do not want to work in an accident workplace. That is why cause the construction work delay and cannot be completed on time. Contractor will suffers losses and affect his profit due to paid site workers to work over-time to speed up the works and completed at schedule time. In fact, poor safety background actually will cause high insurance premium according to Kit Keng mentioned contractors there are always think that as long as he had buy a insurance to protect themselves from the direct losses caused by the accident happen at construction site, but actually some of the contractors they do not really know that how much had his paid to the insurance premium. Lastly, some of the contractor thinks that safety and health officer is not necessary for employ at his workplace. But as a matter of fact the contactors should employ a qualified persons act as safety and health officer. (OSHA, s.6 (1)) In addition, according to OSHA 1994 Section 16 have been revised to OSH (Employers Safety and Health General Policy Statements) (Exception) Regulation 1995 by the Minister. The section 16 had been amended that, if the organization has more than five employees than the employer and self-employed person has their duty to formulate the safety and health policy. (Occupational Safety and Health Regulation 1995, s.16) However, the OSHA 1994 section 16 had been modified become better and detail for the need of safety and health policy. But after amend the act from pervious penalty maximum RM5000.00 or maximum two years imprisonment or both become not penalty required for the Regulation 1995 which mean the safety and health policy is not an important for the construction site and site workers. In case, the contractors did not provide the safety and health policy to their workers is without any penalty. (CIDB, 2010, pp: 20-21) According to Kit Keng (2004) mentioned that, the barrier to the implement safety and health requirement at construction site is because the employer seen the safety and health requirements required a big visible cost to implement and employer do not want to paid for it. This may be one of the reasons caused that the contractors cannot implementation the safety and health requirement on the construction site. Therefore, they often do not comply with the legislation requirement in their workplace as provide the safety and health organizations. Conclusion given the above problem is the OSHA 1994 it still contains a little bit of problems and the contractors have the excuse to bypass some of the responsibilities that he should comply with and implementing at his workplace to reduce the accident occurred at the site. Effective to implementing OSHA 1994 Construction industry is highest hazard among all industry therefore to effective minimize the accident rate and fatalities the construction project should through a good planning and co-ordination before the construction project start. Therefore, the contractor plays an important role to implement safety and health responsibility from the concept to the construction completion. One of the effective ways to implementation the safety and health requirements is bring in safety and health in early stages is incorporate safety and health into tendering stage. Therefore, contractors are required to demonstrate that they have an appropriate safety and health management system and to verify its implementation in practice and his required to comply with contract specific occupational safety and health requirement. (CIDB, 2010, pp: 4-5) Effectively to minimize the accident at construction site is to select potential contractors which are appropriate evaluate the safety and health for the projects. Implementation the safety and health planning included in contract like PAM Contract 2006. According to PAM 2006 contractors his received letter award his is entitles to starts construction works at site his is required to procure and submit contractors all risks insurance, workman compensation and performance bond to the architect or quantity surveyor before the contractors only allowed commencing the construction works. If the government can implementation that the safety and health planning must be bound together or including inside before allow commencing the construction work then all the employer they are not able have the excuse to exist if not comply with that the construction project is not allow to start commencing they construction work then may causing the employer lose of their profit. Although OSHA 1994 and FMA 1967 is able to take legal action but bound the safety and health include in contract will be more effective. Because of contract is binding that able enhance strict to implementing safety and health through taking legal action. Profit is the goal of most business is actually the construction industry is also had the same goal. The way to effective reducing the accident for the construction site may through using approach prevention of injuries and death with implementing occupational safety and health management system. (CIDB, 2010, p: 42) According to Kit Keng (2004) mentioned that contractors seen the visible larger amount for implementing the occupational safety and health management system in his construction project but implementing the safety and health management systems is effectively reducing of injury and death at construction site and benefits to contractors his are achieved through avoidance of delay to his construction project in order to increase his profit as early as completion of the construction project. According to CIDB (2010) stated that, occupational safety and health management system had mentioned about the safety and health policy. Which means the safety and health policy is need for the construction workplace. The safety and health policy is to introduction the safety and health program for all among the construction site workers. The safety and health policy shall always up-to-date and get aware to the site workers. Contractors have the duties to revise the written statement of the safety and health policy and planning to implement the policy that had amended and deliver the information to the site workers. (DOSH, 2007) All parties at the site work together to achieve and prevention of the accidents with minimize at site will be the purpose of the safety and health policy. Besides, implementing and establish a safety and health committee if the situation is build a condominiums it may have forty or more than forty workers including those staffs hired by employer or workers supply by the sub-contractors in this case the management chain will lead to more than forty worker being hiring or work on the construction project. (Wee Lee, 2010, p: 13) Contractors should implement to form a safety and health committee because there are a lot of workers at the construction site. Otherwise, the contractors get instructed by the Director General of DOSH that the workplace is required that to form the safety and health committee. Both employee and management are represented for the safety and health committee this is to keep on reviews the construction site conditions. Because of lack of reviews conditions on worksite there may affect worker on site or public surrounding their safety and health. (OSHA, s.30) According to OSHA section 29 and 30 actually contractors should employ a full time competent person act as safety and health officer and then establish a safety and health committee at construction. Safety and health committee must be keeping on reviews the construction site condition. Therefore, at least once every three months the safety and health committee shall conduct periodical inspection and audit on site and provide essential advice on safety issues besides drafting and improving the companys OSH guidelines and procedure. (Rabani, 2010, p: 47) (OSHA, s.29, s.30) Introduction of FMA 1967 Contractors not only had the responsibilities to comply with the OSHA 1994 but Contractors had the obligation need to comply with the FMA 1967 too. FMA 1967 mainly is applying by factories and construction site. The Contractors should understand more about the Factories and Machinery Act 1967, which will help the contractors able to implementing the act on the construction site. This is responsibility of the contractors to maintain all their machinery which is appropriate and safe to operating condition and provide with implement safety measures in construction site operations.(Rabani, 2010, p: 52) Besides, the FMA 1967 section 36 and regulation 7 of FMA (Notification, certificate of fitness and inspection) Regulation 1970 stated that any of the machinery should get permission to install the machinery on construction site is required certificate of fitness. According to FMA 1967 section 35 stated that, any construction project should involve using machinery or plant to carry out the construction work. Only in the case that the construction project is able completed in a period less than six week and does not need or involve using any machinery for their construction project then the contractor is does not require to notify to DOSH. FMA 1967 Section 56 have been revised to FMA (Building Operations and Works of Engineering Construction) (Safety) Regulation 1986 by the Minister. (FMA, s.56) Part I regulation 3 Application stated that these regulations are applied by the building operations and to works of engineering construction. Section 56 Regulations have total 17 parts divided showed in arrangement of regulation. (Factories and Machinery Regulation 1986, r.3) In this research paper was discussing about the construction project which contractors should implementing to minimize the machinery hazard cause site workers injury and death at construction. Therefore, in this research papers will be focus on Part II General Provisions. Statutory of FMA 1967 Since table 1 showing that construction industry is the highest accident of fatalities rates. Therefore, machinery at construction shall also to consider and comply with FMA 1967. According FMA regulation 1986 regulation 25 appoint a site safety supervisors to inspecting and rectifying any unsafe place of work and correcting any unsafe practice on construction site this is to ensure the safety , health and welfare of site workers. Appoint a site safety supervisor will be same requirement with safety and health officer which is person who is qualification. Site safety supervisor there must have at least minimum of two years site foremen experience. Purpose to appoint a site safety supervisor is to check the sub-contractors work which is to ensure the sub-contractors have comply with the Malaysia legislation. If the contractor appoint a part time site safety supervisor and the particular part time site safety supervisor shall spend at least fifteen hours per week and promoting safe conduct of work at construction site. (Factories and Machinery Regulation 1986, r.25) Otherwise appoint a part time site safety supervisor if the construction site employed more than twenty site workers on workplace contractors shall appoint a contractors safety supervisor. The contractors safety supervisor shall spend at least five hours per week and promoting a safe conduct to his site workers. Contractors safety supervisor requirement will be same with site safety supervisor with at least two years site foreman experience and qualification. (Factories and Machinery Regulation 1986, r.26) Some inconsistencies in OSHA 1994 and FMA 1967 in this part the FMA stated the construction work site which is employed fifty persons or more than it shall establish a safety committee but in this part of OSHA are stated employed forty or more than forty workers the contractors shall establish a safety and health committee. In fact, it should be the same consistent for establish a safety and health committee. The safety committee members will be both employee which mean including sub-contractors and contractors and also management members to be represented. Purpose for safety committee is to keep and review safety and health condition in workplace. (Factories and Machinery Regulation 1986, r.27) The safety committee shall appoint senior member of contractors staff at construction site and the safety committee shall consist the site safety supervisor, the entire contractors safety supervisors and others site worker. The safety committee should meeting at least once a month. (Factories and Machinery Regulation 1986, r.27) Furthermore, contractors should implement strict on machinery installed rules on FMA Regulation 1986 regulation 6 just like machinery installed on any floor above the ground floor there have a regulation to control over like any floors above the ground of any building or structures are not allowed to use machinery. Only if the floor or structure has been designed or constructed there are able to support the loading of the machinery or additional strengthen purpose then contractors is allow to use or operate the machinery on the particular building or structures. Contractor should maintain their machinery which is always in good and safe condition his is require to ensure around the machinery surrounding meaning that the passenger walk way is free from any loose material or non-slippery condition. This is to prevent those site workers would not fall down towards to the machines and caused injury or death. According to this regulation 6 if the contractors are not comply with it his will be fines not exceeding RM2000.00. Besides, slipping is easy to happen on construction site. Therefore, Contractors should make sure the surfaces of the passageway sanded or covered or removed. If any passageway such as platform, scaffold or otherwise of elevated working surface is slippery and causing the workers fall down found out is the negligence of the contractor they do not provide slip-safe footing to minimize the slipping hazards on the construction safe according to the FMA Regulation 1986 regulation 8 the contractors would be penalty not exceeding RM2000.00. Contractors have the obligation to keep or remain the worksite passageways with do not have any dirt and debris or other obstruction object may cause site workers tripping. Contractor should minimize those accumulations of dirt and debris on worksite by instructed his site agent to maintain for it and site agent is contractors representative on construction site. In addition, the debris shall be handled and disposed-off by a method which will not harmful to person and the debris is not allow to accumulate is may constitute a hazard to the worker on site.( Factories and Machinery Regulation 1986, r.22) Moreover, contractors should also have to ensure at worksite there is do not have any projection may or could cut site workers if any, contractor or his representative should removed it or made safe to prevent site workers injury or death. (Factories and Machinery Regulation 1986, r.9) Construction site the most important is provide workers a safe access to workplace. Firstly, contractors must ensure the construction site provided proper stairways; ramps or runways. (Factories and Machinery Regulation 1986, r.10) According to FMA Regulation 1986 regulation 15 stated that, some of the worker who are work in wet concrete may wet their foot contractors shall provide suitable waterproof boots to protect site workers foots get injuries. Malaysia weather is always raining and it cannot be predicted therefore sometime site worker inevitably work on raining day. Contractor shall provided worker waterproof coat and hat when site workers work on raining day at construction site. The penalty to those contractors they are do not provide is fines not exceeding RM2000.00. Besides, site workers should get protective apparel just like if worker their do not wear a safety helmet access to construction site when the construction project is construct more than two storey high building the workers may get higher risk to get serious head injury or may cause death and all people who are perfor

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Great Gatsby Essay -- essays research papers fc

F. Scott Fitzgerald's 'The Great Gatsby' / Gatsby's Desire for Daisy exploring why Gatsby had such an obsessive desire for Daisy. The writer purports that Gatsby began by pursuing an ideal, not the real woman. In fact, he could not recognize the type of person she had become since they last saw each other. Gatsby lives in a dream world and Daisy is part of that dream. As the novel progresses, however, Gatsby's feelings change. Bibliography lists Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby : The Role of Nick Carraway as a Character in the Novel In 5 pages, the author discusses F. Scott Fitzgerald's 'The Great Gatsby,' and the role that Nick Carraway played as a character in the novel. When determining the role of Nick Carraway as he was used in this book, one must consider that he is a contrast to Gatsby. One is dark and the other is light. One is rich and materialistic. The other is representative of America's traditional moral codes. Nick Carraway is the novel's main catalyst, for not only telling the story, but also for showing the differences in society. Without Nick Carraway's influence, 'The Great Gatsby' would not have nearly the same effect. No additional sources are cited. Filename: Pcfsfnc.doc F. Scott Fitzgerald's 'Great Gatsby' / Corrupt Vision Of The American Dream This 5 page report discusses F. Scott Fitzgerald's 1925 novel 'The Great Gatsby' and explains the ways in which Gatsby presents a twisted and corrupted version of the 'great American...

Sunday, November 10, 2019

How Does Bronte Make You Feel Sympathy For Jane Eyre? Essay

This story is written in a first person narrative, so it helps us sympathize with Jane as you share her thoughts and feelings. Jane was an orphan. Her maternal uncle looked after her, but later died. She then lives with her Aunt Mrs. Reed and her three cousins. (Mrs. Reed is Jane’s uncle’s widow.) There is a lack of relationship in the family in which she now lives in. Mrs. Reed made a promise, on Jane’s’ uncles’ deathbed that she would look after Jane, but because they weren’t maternally related there was no love and warmth from them. Bronte first makes you sympathize for Jane as she is sent to the Red Room, where her maternal uncle died, as a punishment, for retaliating to John, as he hit her. Despite her injury, her aunt has no sympathy for Jane. All the blame gets put on Jane and her cousin John gets away unpunished. This shows favoritism making you sympathize with Jane as she is bullied and blamed. Jane is a young girl, terrified by the Red Room, because of the death of her uncle; † I resisted all the way.† This shows that Jane does not want to go there and will do anything not to go there, as she acts out of character, by kicking and screaming. This makes you sympathize for Jane as I seems as if she is being tortured and punished for a mild offence. She also makes you sympathize with Jane as she has to call her cousin â€Å"Master,† and she is described as † Less than a servant.† This shows that Jane has no status in the house and is not respected or loved by anyone in there making you feel sorry for her as she is only a little girl. Miss Abbott is the head servant of the house. She talks about Jane in her face, as if she is not there, â€Å"She is an underhand little thing.† This is degrading Jane, calling her sly and showing no compassion for her what so ever. This again shows Jane has no status in the house as she is being described as a â€Å"Thing† by a servant, making us sympathize for her. Bessie on the other hand, who is also a servant, tries to sympathize with Jane, and sticks up for her, but, she still treats Jane as a low status person. † If you don’t sit still, you will have to be tied down.† Although she is only warning Jane of the consequences, she is treating her like an animal, â€Å"Tied down.†

Friday, November 8, 2019

Planning of Medical Facilities and Amenities

Planning of Medical Facilities and Amenities Introduction Planning of medical facilities and amenities calls for extra care and caution to ensure adherence to all the laid down procedures, regulations, and certification. This in turn ensures conduct of work within the budget limits and the stakeholders achieve their targeted goals.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Planning of Medical Facilities and Amenities specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The research paper examines an in-depth analysis of the creation of a medical care amenity, while examining the laid down regulations, all important parameters, and time required for finishing the project, the total cost of the project and the equipment needed in the project. Concerning this, the equipments used in the medical field are highly regulated. They are under a high level of maintenance and safety than most of the machines and equipments found in the market. This is because there are those patients who resp ond very slowly or are unable to respond to hazardous conditions. Some of the medical equipment in use today act as life support and their failure lead to loss of life. Before designing the phase of any equipment, it is important to understand its regulatory requirements and the certification required of it. This is advantageous in that it not only reduces the costs, but it also increases the safety of the product and the turn around time required for certification. Regulatory requirements The licensing regulations of each State lay down the specific design on the use of medical facility within its premises. These are the FGI guidelines used in the construction of and design of medical facilities Kunders (2004). The different states call for the use of codes in International Building. In addition, the states get accreditation from the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare organizations Kunders (2004). The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) provides guidelines ensuring compliance with fire codes within the health facility. This is to protect patients from fire outbreaks within the health centers. The guidance of fire safety within the facilities requires adherence to the standards contained in the NFPA 101 and NFPA 99.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Health facility must also follow the American Disability Act in order to protect the physically challenged patients. The facilities must also follow the OSHA regulations especially in the design of their laboratories. Medical facilities should be accessible to those seeking medical care. Therefore, they should have designs that enhance care to patients. This is especially in tall buildings, which should have lifts, and they should be accessible to people with disability. The design of the medical facility should ensure that there are fire assembly points in case of fire outbreak within the premises. The design of the facility is environmental friendly to avoid polluting the environment. Patients’ experiences within a health facility are many and varied. To take good care and ensure wellbeing of patients, health facilities apply aesthetics that ensure comfort of the patient while in the facility. Additionally, the medical facilities need to be sustainable and environmental friendly because they make use of a lot of human power, raw materials, water, and energy. Therefore, the designs must follow the laid down regulations. Color and noise issues It is important to choose the best color for the medical facility. The colors used in the medical facility aims at capturing, coordinating and calming the best mood and mental state of the patients and providing a serene environment for the patient so that they recover fast Kunders (2004). The ambiance provided by colors makes it fast for patients to recover. When the colors are not calm, they int erfere with the health and the recovery process of the patient. Therefore, they threaten the recovery process of the patient. There should be enough signboards in and around hospitals to ensure maximum silence Kunders (2004). There should be no hooting by cars in and around hospitals. This ensures that noise is at minimum to enable patients have ample time for rest and sleep and this makes them feel secure. The privacy of the patient is very important, medical facilities should guarantee the patient’s privacy, and there should be no disclosure of private and confidential information of the patient without the consent of the patient Kunders (2004). Equipment needed Medical facilities across the board have similar health care equipment. The equipments in use in our medical facility are; trolleys, sinks, room dividers, heating and ventilation systems, lavatories, X-ray machines, wheel chairs and tables, laboratory kits, waste containers, examination beds, desks and chairs. The N ational Clearing House for Educational Facilities (NCHEF) provides for these lists of equipment (clark, 2009).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Planning of Medical Facilities and Amenities specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Electronic items needed Medical facilities require electronic items to fasten the process of service delivery and to ensure that patients have the best care and diagnoses, and administration of best treatment. Electrically modified devices are the best to conform to the hospital safety standards. The devices also assist patients in the recovery process. They include fans, electronic beds, computers, DVD players, play station, blood pressure monitors, ultrasound systems, emergency oxygen systems, and dental instruments among others (clark, 2009). Budget planning and Cost estimates Buildings in use require conversion to medical facility, which marks the start of budget planning. The budget sh ould take care of materials, wages, transport, and architectural costs. Installation of medical equipments is after completion of the conversion process. The role of stakeholders The stakeholders of a medical facility are the community and inside stakeholders Tregunno (2004). People working in the facility such as doctors, nurses and cooks forms part of the inside stakeholder. Physicians ensure design of medical facilities in a way that not only promotes the wellbeing of the patient but also their own wellbeing. Nurses require a facility that will enable them provide the best care to patients Kunders (2004). Doctors provide medical care and they prescribe medicine to patients. The community stakeholders ensure that there is enough supply of medicine, food, security and there is adherence to government policies. The care personnel make sure the facility ensures maximum interaction between nurses and physicians. The facility should ensure outside stakeholders like emergency personnel have easy access to the facility to enhance patient care. The outside stakeholders look forward to a facility that is responsive to their needs and a facility that does not harm them. The facility should meet the needs of the surrounding stakeholders Kunders (2004)Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Gantt chart References Clark, W. (2009). The Gantt chart:a working tool of management. London: Pitman. Retrieved from Kunders, G. (2004). Hospitals: Facilities Planning and Management. New York: Tata McGraw-Hill Education. Retrieved from Tregunno, D. (2004). Health, Nursing Environmental Studies. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Retrieved from

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Steinbecks The Pearl Essays - The Pearl, John Steinbeck, Midas

Steinbeck's The Pearl Essays - The Pearl, John Steinbeck, Midas Steinbeck's The Pearl The Pearl MATERIAL SOCIETY, MATERIAL THOUGHTS Ever since Midas' lust for gold, it appears to be that man has acquired a greed and appetite for wealth. Juana, the Priest, and the doctor have all undergone a change due to money. They are all affected by their hunger for wealth and inturn are the base for their own destruction, and the destruction of society. Steinbeck's The Pearl is a study of man's self destruction through greed. Juana, the faithful wife of Kino, a paltry peasant man, had lived a spiritual life for what had seemed like as long as she could remember. When her son Coyito fell ill from the bite of a scorpion, she eagerly turned towards the spiritual aspects of life. Beginning to pray for her son's endangered life. The doctor who had resided in the upper-class section of the town, refused to assistant the child, turning them away when they arrived at the door. Lastly they turned to the sea to seek their fortune. When Juana set sight on the Pearl of The World. she felt as though all her prayers had been answered, if she could have foreseen the future what she would have seen would have been a mirror image of her reality. Juana's husband was caught in a twisted realm of mirrors, and they were all shattering one by one. In the night he heard a sound so soft that it might have been simply a thought... and quickly attacked the trespasser. This is where the problems for Juana and her family began. The fear that had mounted in Kino's body had taken control over his actions. Soon even Juana who had always had faith in her husband, had doubted him greatly. It will destroy us all she yelled as her attempt to rid the family of the pearl had failed. Kino had not listened however, and soon Juana began to lose her spiritual side and for a long time she had forgotten her prayers that had at once meant so much to her. She had tried to help Kino before to much trouble had aroused, only to discover that she was not competent enough to help. A hypocrathic oath is said before each medical student is granted a Doctors degree. In the oath they swear to aid the ill, and cure the injured. In the village of La Paz there lived a doctor who had earned his wealth by helping those that were ill and could afford his services. Not once in his long career would he have dared refuse to aid a wealthy lawyer or noblemen. However when Kino and the group of money hungry peasants arrived at his door with a poisoned child he had refused them entry saying Have I nothing better to do than cure insect bites for 'little Indians'? I am a doctor, not a veterinary. for the doctor had known that the peasants hadn't any money. He had been to Paris and had enjoyed the splendors of the world, and therefore he wouldn't be seen dealing with the less fortunate as he knew that the less fortunate would surely always be just that-less fortunate. However it seemed that he had been stereotypical of the less fortunate, as he soon discovered when hearing of a g reat pearl discovered by the peasants who had knocked upon his door earlier that day. A hunger for wealth was what pushed him to visit the peasants house and aid their destitute son. However he had already ended Coyito's life without knowing he'd done so, for if he had administered aid to Coyito when they were first at the doctors door, Kino would have no reason to seek his fortune in the ocean, and would not be led down the road to hardships. One might think that a doctor, one who has the image of being passive, and caring should not stoop to such a level. When one is down on their luck, chances are they will turn to superstition in hope to acquire what it is that they would want to achieve. A good example of this would be a good luck charm such as a rabbit's foot. In La Paz the peasants

Monday, November 4, 2019

Movie review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5

Movie Review Example The film definitely has a message that the audience may anxiously want to know about. However, the film delivers this message in a hesitant manner and this is a major weakness in the film. The film skims some critical and interesting issues and fails to state them clearly. These issues are about cultural and religious tolerance and the significance of staying true to one’s personal dreams. The screenplay has little confidence to portray both topics in details (Anreacchio). It fails to offer a substantial weight on the philosophical musings of Gauguin on cultural and religious tolerance. When these issues finally come, the hardly allow for a strictly thoughtful impact. There are a number of flat supporting characters who required more polishing to offer a more appropriate support. However, I liked some aspects of the film that made it worth watching. I loved the way Kiefer Sutherland portrayed the character Gauguin; as strong protagonists can make a film worth watching, even the most awkward ones. The audience watches Gauguin resign from his job of stock broking to pursue a career in art, later realizing that nothing come easier. Therefore, he makes a decision of going to Tahiti to be inspired; this is quite evident because of the non-linear construction of the film. Gauguin’s two stories, his past life in Paris, and his present life in Tahiti are narrated simultaneously (Anreacchio). However, my criticism of Paradise Found is not going to be in this respect because I believe it was one of the biggest merits of the screen play. It managed to increase my curiosity and when I got to understand the structure of the film, I got more curious. More interesting was how Gauguin left his lucrative career to end up being an artist. No one may argue with the visual aspects of the film. It is undoubtedly splendid and manages to capture the topics in depth. The film also evokes the viewer’s emotions. The ever-increasing clash between Gauguin and his wife

Friday, November 1, 2019

Qualitative Assesment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Qualitative Assesment - Assignment Example Themes represent patterned responses from the data in relation to the research topic and mostly occur severally in the data set (Guest, 2012). This study aims at conducting a thematic analysis of qualitative data from in-depth interviews of passengers view on airport security of an international airline company and presents it for information generation and decision making by the management. All the passengers interviewed believed that the heightened security at the airports have increased delays at the airport. Passengers feel that the heightened measures aimed at augmenting security hamper their plans of boarding planes on time. This is despite three of the passengers blaming it on the security personnel and security measures done by the airports while one passenger blaming the passengers who lack cooperation and understanding of the security system at the airport for the delays experienced at the airports. It is evident that the main concern for all the passengers in relation to security measures at the airport is delays. Four of the five interviewees believe that there is excess security at the airports hindering and hampering the access to personal freedom rights and infringing on the passengers personal space. They feel that there is a need of the security personnel to reduce the chances of search of passengers luggage without permission and if his has to be done to be done in a humanly manner to ensure the passengers understand that the heightened security is for their personal good owing to high security concerns at the airport. Some of them believe that the full body scans could have excess radiation that may have a negative impact o their health raising the feeling of excessive security at airports. Three of the five passengers interviewed feel that there is an increase in the safety of the passengers due to the heightened security